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We are now diversifying our loan scheme to accommodate more choices of the beneficiaries, especially ‘cattle farming’, ‘small businesses’, and ‘micro-entrepreneurship’ development.
From 2016, we are also engaged in arranging ‘employment’ through ‘skill development’ (‘Electrical’ and ‘Welding’) for about 120 youths per year in collaboration with ‘Underprivileged Child Education Program’ (UCEP) Bangladesh.
They train 3-4 batches of 20 youths each (Wielding) in their Technical Training Schools at Shalna, Gazipur and another 3-4 batches (Electrician) at Kashimpur, Gazipur. This project includes training, certification by BTEB and job placement in good factories and institutions.
In 2019, we undertook a ‘Mega Skill Project for Self-employment’ at Melandah, Jamalpur under the patronage of Mr. Abul Kalam Azad , former Principal Secretary, Prime Minister’s Office. Project commenced in October 2019 and still continuing. The project is aimed at ‘developing skill for employment’ for unemployed youths.
Through a well-organized hands-on vocational training system ( Basic Computer & IT Training, Handicraft, Cutting and Tailoring, Cattle Farming, Driving etc. ) coupled with credit scheme about 500 – 750 rural unemployed youths trying to stand on their feet per year.
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