United Trust Renovates Melandah Upazila Health Complex as Pilot Project
United Trust is already working in the ‘Primary Health Care’ Sector in 7 districts of our country. Its beneficiaries are poor rural people and urban slum people. Besides its primary effort, United Trust also decided to contribute in capacity building of Govt. Upazila Hospitals upon which large number of poor people are dependent for their health care support. Melandah Upazila Health Complex (MUHC) of Jamalpur was taken as pilot project. The aim was to make the hospital patient friendly by renovating infrastructure, capacity building of all the departments, to help making up the deficiencies of essential furniture, equipment etc, making OT functional, and introducing a good patient management system.
This was not an easy task to undertake such huge work while keeping the hospital running. However, it was successfully done due to excellent initiative by Civil Surgeon, TH&FPO and the local elites. Mr. Mirza Azam, MP also played an exemplary role. The work commenced on ————- and completed ————— . It was a job well done by United Trust which was also widely praised by the local people including Department of DG Health.